Stepping into a closer relationship with nature.

HI, and thanks for being curious about this section.

This bit is a part that really interests me. It's part of the next step I can take, we could all take, to make a difference

What if we could all step into a closer relationship with nature?

There are so many ways we can do this, and every little thing we do can have a positive step. What one, small achievable thing could you and your family do to say yes, there is climate change, but....

An example is I still drink some cow milk, and oat milk from containers, but I now make most of the milk I drink, from oats, at home. It's a small difference.

As you know, I like stories. One of the books that helped me realise that even a small animal can make a big difference was reading The Te of Piglet. I hope that reading this book had made some small changes for you.

If it has, please email me and let me know, I am curious to know how?

What if we felt confident to use story led learning to ignite curiosity?

I would suggest there would be a Natural Flow to the learning.

What if we could educate and lead in a Nature-Centric way...

one that helped us feel part of nature, and this earth at a deep level...?

Well, I have been using a model, a thinking system, developed by the 8 shields Institute for over 15 years that helps us do just that.

You might find it useful too. I use it for everything from planning an hour forest school session, an hour keynote speech, a week family camp, teacmbuilding days, to designing a flier or planning a meeting.

Like all models, it is apt not to encompass everything, but it's so useful to have something based on rhythms, directions, patterns and cycles in nature to fall back on 

So not only do I lead storytelling workshops, and INSET team building in schools and organisations, for indoor or outdoor education, I also give training in what I call Natural Flow Learning.

Based on the 8shield model developed by Jon Young, it uses natural cycles and directions, patterns and rhythms to plan lessons, to understand the needs of learners at any age,  inspire and guide personal growth, group leadership, event planning, management and teamwork in a way that is simple and yet also gives a profound sense of direction and belonging.

Once people know the model it is infinitely adaptable, and yet also easy to find your way through, because it's based on the natural cycles and patterns within, and outside of us all.

At the moment I deliver a range of fun, wholistic INSET, CPD and 
Nature Centric Leadership events, that involve a lot of fun, teamwork and nature connection.

If you are interested in knowing more about what I can offer schools, please visit:

or if you are more interested in what I can offer businesses... look here:

Thanks again. 
